Conference on Serving Adults with Disabilities 2023

The Conference on Serving Adults with Disabilities provides an excellent opportunity for participants to meet with a wide representation of experts and professionals, along with family and friends of individuals with disabilities, and to discuss current strategies and knowledge on the broad spectrum of disabilities.

THEME: Meeting Our New Role

KEYNOTE: Jane Thierfeld Brown


  • 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM - Registration & Continental Breakfast
  • 8:45 AM to 9:00 AM - Welcome
  • 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM - Keynote Presentation
  • 10:15 AM to 10:30 AM - Break
  • 10:30 AM to 11:45 AM - Workshops - Session 1
  • 11:45 AM to 1:15 PM - Lunch and Networking
  • 1:15 PM to 2:30 PM - Workshop - Session 2


  • Ageism is Alive and Well in 2023! What is Ageism and How Do We Address it? (Cynthia Martin)
  • Trends in Assistive Technology (Arlene Lugo)
  • Using Emotional Intelligence To Overcome Challenges and Promote Well-Being (Nicole Elbertson)


  • Times Have Changed... (Harvey Hubbell V)
  • "Can You Hear Me Now?" Exploring the Benefits of Virtual and In-Person Music Therapy (Emily Bevelaqua, MMT, MT-BC and Heidi Tierney, LMHC, MT-BC)
  • Thinking Outside the Box: Innovative Employment Options for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Amber Carter, Brian Gresko, and Trevor Rogers)

If you have a disability and require assistance, please notify Amy Ferrari at (860) 361-9374 by March 15, 2023, to ensure that proper accommodations are made.

Session Type
Multiple Session
Year Code
Activity Type
Face to Face
Maximum Attendance
Max # of Awards
Min # of Awards
Subject Area
[Adults with Disabilities]
Target Audience
[Adult Education - Career Navigator], [Adult Education - Counselor], [Adult Education - Director], [Adult Education - Disability Contact Person], [Adult Education - ESL Lead Teacher], [Adult Education - GED Registrar], [Adult Education - NEDP Advisors/Assessors], [Adult Education - Program Facilitator], [Adult Education - Staff], [Adult Education - Teachers]
Area of Focus
No Associated Area of Focus
EA200 EA Disability Workshops 08400200

Additional Notes
Water's Edge Resort & Spa
1525 Boston Post Road
Westbrook,  Connecticut 06498
Payment PricePayment price
Credit Card$125.00
Purchase Order #$125.00
DateStart TimeEnd TimeSessionInstructor
Date -- 04/28/2023
(1A) Ageism is Alive and Well in 2023! What is Ageism and How Do We Address It?

Explore the many aspects of stereotyping and discrimination based on age, studied from two perspectives, that of millennials and seniors. We will study how age could be a life and death-matter regardless of health.

Water's Edge Resort & Spa
Grand Ballroom
1525 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT
Cynthia Martin
View Bio
(1B) Trends in Assistive Technology

Learn about general Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services. We will review AT devices for specific disabilities and discuss trends in AT, particularly in the current COVID environment. Attendees will also receive an overview of the Connecticut Tech Act Project (CTTAP), hear about new programs that are available, and learn how CTTAP can help your clients.

Water's Edge Resort & Spa
Stannard Room
1525 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT
Arlene Lugo
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(1C) Using Emotional Intelligence To Overcome Challenges and Promote Well-Being

Yale University's Center for Emotional Intelligence has trained over a million educators and mental health professionals across the nation and the world on how to be smart about our emotions to live better lives. In this interactive workshop, we will walk through the simple acronym, RULER, to practice five emotion skills (recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating) backed by research to help us all to cope with the challenges of today and to thrive in our lives going forward.

Water's Edge Resort & Spa
Westbrook Salon
1525 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT
Nicole Elbertson
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(2A) Times Have Changed...

Emmy award-winning dyslexic filmmaker, Harvey Hubbell V, will show sections from a number of his films, tying the progression of his craft into his lifelong journey to help spread awareness about the ongoing literacy crisis in the United States.

Water's Edge Resort & Spa
Grand Ballroom
1525 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT
Harvey Hubbell V
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(2B) Can You Hear Me Now? Exploring the Benefits of Virtual and In-Person Music Therapy

Engage in group music-making experiences with Board Certified Music Therapists from Connecticut Music Therapy Services. Through this interactive presentation, participants will learn about the field of music therapy and its benefits for adult clients with disabilities. Presenters will share how in-person music therapy experiences were adapted to dynamic virtual sessions during the pandemic.

Water's Edge Resort & Spa
Stannard Room
1525 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT
Emily Bevelaqua, MMT, MT-BC
View Bio
(2C) Thinking Outside the Box: Innovative Employment Options for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

A focus on innovative and non-traditional pathways to employment for people with IDD, including Customized Employment and entrepreneurship. This will include a discussion regarding the DDS Innovative Employment Opportunity grant, which supports competitive integrated employment through small business development.

Water's Edge Resort & Spa
Westbrook Salon
1525 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT
Amber Carter
View Bio
View Document (Brochure) Conference on Serving Adults with Disabilitiesapplication/pdfCheck out the BROCHURE for the Conference on Serving Adults with Disabilities! Be sure to print it off for your reference as well as share it with anyone who would benefit from this opportunity.2865215