Area Cooperative Educational Services
Online Course   Face to Face   Currently Enrolled 
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Online Course   Face to Face   Currently Enrolled 
Date - 10/10/2024
Early Career Preschool Special Educator Series   
These monthly meetings will provide an opportunity for facilitated, collaborative discussion on topics that are relevant to special education teachers as they begin their practice. Topics may include developing a network of support, communicating with families, assessment and progress monitoring and managing your classroom routines and schedule. Participants will be supported through problem-solving discussions, sharing of examples from experienced teachers, and resources.
Course # 244-25-A023-182  
Subjects # [Early Childhood SpEd], [Early Childhood]
Begin Date: 10/10/2024
Course # 244-25-A023-182
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 01/30/2025
Part C to Part B Transition Roadshow   
The CT State Department of Education (CSDE), CT Birth to Three (B23) and the CT Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC) will be holding regional information sessions throughout the state about the transition process and requirements in CT from Part C, early intervention services, to Part B, preschool special education. It is highly recommended for each LEA and Birth to Three program to have at least one staff member attend a session. These sessions are opened also to families and other early childhood providers that are interested in learning more about the transition process and requirements.
Course # 244-25-A023-234  
Subjects # [Special Education], [Transition Services]
Begin Date: 01/30/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-234
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: Cooperative Educational Services (CES)
State: Connecticut
Time: 10:00AM - 12:30PM

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Date - 02/11/2025
UPLIFT for Trainers/Consultants - Train the Trainer Series: Foundations of Trauma-Informed Care    4-Part Series - Cohort 2 (Winter/Spring 2025)
This series is designed to prepare participants interested in becoming trained to lead and support their colleagues in creating, supporting, and sustaining trauma-informed practices in their schools. This foundational training includes a discussion of the UPLIFT guiding framework for trainers and consultants, as well as guidance on how to utilize tools provided via the RESC Alliance UPLIFT program to encourage implementation of TIC techniques, support goal identification and action planning, track progress toward identified goals, and report successes along the way. Discussion and self-assessments are used to ensure that Train-the-Trainer (TTT) participants feel confident in employing UPLIFT’s guidelines for being a TIC trainer and consultant. Participants will also receive direct support and training to support their ability to offer the Foundations of Trauma-Informed Care to their staff.
Course # 244-25-A023-305  
Subjects # [Trauma-Informed Care], [UPLIFT]
Begin Date: 02/11/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-305
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 02/13/2025
CT-SEDS Targeted Session: Targeted Assessment   
These 90-minute, virtual sessions offer an opportunity for school based professionals to gain knowledge and increase competency within a specific topic. Information includes system updates, with live CT SEDS demonstrations (when applicable).
Course # 244-25-A023-293  
Subjects # [CT SEDS Targeted Assessment], [CT-SEDS Targeted Sessions], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 02/13/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-293
Status: CLOSED
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 02/19/2025
IEP Goal Development: Special Education Teachers   
This two-part, virtual series offers educators within a specific discipline an interactive training experience that supports the practical application of developing high-quality, measurable IEP goals and objectives.
Course # 244-25-A023-257  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [IEP Goal Development SPED], [IEP Goal Development]
Begin Date: 02/19/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-257
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Standards Alignment Coaching Session: Secondary   
This interactive session for secondary special education teachers offers a brief review of best practices for aligning annual academic goals to state content standards, followed by small group coaching and collaboration, where participants apply knowledge and strategies within the alignment process to IEP goals they have previously developed.
Course # 244-25-A023-258  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions]
Begin Date: 02/19/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-258
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: Capitol Region Education Council (CREC)
State: Connecticut
Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM

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Date - 02/20/2025
CT IEP Quality Training    K-12 | C1220
This multi-session, 12-hour course is designed to strengthen educators’ capacity to develop and implement high-quality IEPs. Each training module represents a distinct component of the IEP, with explicit connections to CT- SEDS via live demonstration of the system’s design and functionality. Please note this is NOT a CT-SEDS Proficiency Training. Online course materials and Zoom meeting information are accessible two weeks prior to the first session, through the My Enrollments section in Protraxx.
Course # 244-25-A023-259  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training K-12], [CT IEP Training], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 02/20/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-259
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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CT-SEDS Targeted Session: Progress Reporting   
These 90-minute, virtual sessions offer an opportunity for school based professionals to gain knowledge and increase competency within a specific topic. Information includes system updates, with live CT SEDS demonstrations (when applicable).
Course # 244-25-A023-261  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS Progress Reporting], [CT-SEDS Targeted Sessions], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 02/20/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-261
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Standards Alignment Coaching Session: Elementary   
This interactive session for elementary special education teachers offers a brief review of best practices for aligning annual academic goals to state content standards, followed by small group coaching and collaboration, where participants apply knowledge and strategies within the alignment process to IEP goals they have previously developed.
Course # 244-25-A023-260  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions]
Begin Date: 02/20/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-260
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: Capitol Region Education Council (CREC)
State: Connecticut
Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM

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Date - 02/25/2025
CT IEP Quality Training for School Leadership Teams: Elementary   
General educators play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and well-being of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This comprehensive 6-hour (one day, in-person) training is designed to equip school leadership teams to support collaboration between general and special educators to craft and implement high quality IEPs within the context of Connecticut's new IEP requirements. We encourage school and district teams to attend together to increase the application of the concepts and strategies presented to their specific context. Teams may include general and special education administrators, PPT chairs, teacher leaders, and others who serve an important role in ensuring the success of students with disabilities. Registration must be completed by each individual.
Course # 244-25-A023-273  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams: Elementary], [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 02/25/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-273
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CT Association of Schools
State: Connecticut
Time: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

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Date - 02/26/2025
Standards Alignment Coaching Session: PreK   
This interactive session for PreK educators offers a brief review of best practices for aligning annual academic goals to state content standards, followed by small group coaching and collaboration, where participants apply knowledge and strategies within the alignment process to IEP goals they have previously developed.
Course # 244-25-A023-263  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions: PreK], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions]
Begin Date: 02/26/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-263
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: Workspace CT
State: Connecticut
Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM

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Date - 02/27/2025
CT IEP Quality Training for School Leadership Teams: Secondary   
General educators play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and well-being of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This comprehensive 6-hour (one day, in-person) training is designed to equip school leadership teams to support collaboration between general and special educators to craft and implement high quality IEPs within the context of Connecticut's new IEP requirements. We encourage school and district teams to attend together to increase the application of the concepts and strategies presented to their specific context. Teams may include general and special education administrators, PPT chairs, teacher leaders, and others who serve an important role in ensuring the success of students with disabilities. Registration must be completed by each individual.
Course # 244-25-A023-277  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams: Secondary], [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 02/27/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-277
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CT Association of Schools
State: Connecticut
Time: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

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Date - 03/05/2025
CT-SEDS Targeted Session: Targeted Assessment   
These 90-minute, virtual sessions offer an opportunity for school based professionals to gain knowledge and increase competency within a specific topic. Information includes system updates, with live CT SEDS demonstrations (when applicable).
Course # 244-25-A023-294  
Subjects # [CT SEDS Targeted Assessment], [CT-SEDS Targeted Sessions], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 03/05/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-294
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Designing and Implementing Specially Designed Instruction for Preschool IEPs   
In this three-part series, participants will engage in learning experiences that will support them to define the characteristics of Specially Designed Instruction (SDI), identify how to develop SDI to increase student progress and narrow the gap, and synthesize a plan to ensure all professionals working with the student implement SDI with fidelity.
Course # 244-25-A023-181  
Subjects # [Early Childhood SpEd], [Early Childhood]
Begin Date: 03/05/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-181
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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UPLIFT: Foundations of Trauma-Informed Care   
This foundational module is intended to build awareness and support staff at any level in recognizing trauma and responding to individuals who have been exposed to adverse experiences and/or trauma. It is expected that participants will develop competency around defining and discussing trauma and common trauma symptoms, as well as implications that trauma and toxic stress can have on behaviors presented at home, in school, or in the community. The module incorporates neurodevelopmental information to increase awareness of the potential repercussions of trauma and toxic stress on brain development, and resultant implications for learning, academic achievement or engagement, and social success. Participants will develop a deeper understanding of a trauma-informed care framework (e.g., the 4 Rs and 6 principles of trauma-informed organizations), and how these intersect with existing school initiatives (e.g., school climate, PBIS, SEL, DEI, restorative practices, etc.). This module is designed to offer all school-based personnel a basic understanding of trauma and trauma-informed care practices at all tiers, from universal practices to individualized supports. Training activities may include individual reflection, case scenarios, polls, group discussion and Q & A.
Course # 244-25-A023-301  
Subjects # [Trauma-Informed Care], [UPLIFT]
Begin Date: 03/05/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-301
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 03/06/2025
IEP Goal Development: Speech & Language Pathologists   
This two-part, virtual series offers educators within a specific discipline an interactive training experience that supports the practical application of developing high-quality, measurable IEP goals and objectives.
Course # 244-25-A023-264  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [IEP Goal Development SLP], [IEP Goal Development]
Begin Date: 03/06/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-264
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Introduction to Customized Employment (CE) in CT   
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), in collaboration with the RESC Alliance, is sponsoring an Introduction to Customized Employment (CE) in CT training for special education teachers, providers, and administrators working with transition-age students with disabilities. These sessions are designed to increase capacity and a shared understanding of the CE process in CT, which may lead to competitive integrated employment, for students with the most significant disabilities.
Course # 244-25-A023-146  
Subjects # [Customized Employment]
Begin Date: 03/06/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-146
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 03/07/2025
Standards Alignment Coaching Session: Secondary   
This interactive session for secondary special education teachers offers a brief review of best practices for aligning annual academic goals to state content standards, followed by small group coaching and collaboration, where participants apply knowledge and strategies within the alignment process to IEP goals they have previously developed.
Course # 244-25-A023-265  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions]
Begin Date: 03/07/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-265
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: ACES Staff Development
State: Connecticut
Time: 9:00AM - 11:00AM

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Date - 03/11/2025
IEP Goal Development: School Psychologists/Social Workers   
This two-part, virtual series offers educators within a specific discipline an interactive training experience that supports the practical application of developing high-quality, measurable IEP goals and objectives.
Course # 244-25-A023-266  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [IEP Goal Development School Psych/SW], [IEP Goal Development School Psych], [IEP Goal Development Social Workers], [IEP Goal Development]
Begin Date: 03/11/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-266
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 03/12/2025
CT-SEDS Targeted Session: 504   
These 90-minute, virtual sessions offer an opportunity for school based professionals to gain knowledge and increase competency within a specific topic. Information includes system updates, with live CT SEDS demonstrations (when applicable).
Course # 244-25-A023-267  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS 504], [CT-SEDS Targeted Sessions], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 03/12/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-267
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Introduction to Charting the LifeCourse   
Person-Centered Planning (PCP) is a set of approaches to life-planning based on what a person considers most important. Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC), a universally-designed, PCP framework, is a tool to assist individuals and families of all abilities and ages to develop a vision of a good life.
Course # 244-25-A023-138  
Subjects # [LifeCourse Introduction], [LifeCourse]
Begin Date: 03/12/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-138
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: ACES Staff Development
State: Connecticut
Time: 9:00AM - 2:00PM

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UPLIFT: Staff & System Wellness   
This module is designed to assist participants in exploring how supporting adults in the current educational climate is a critical element of becoming a trauma-informed school. Participants will examine the impact that toxic stress and/or secondary traumatic stress have on school employees, and how this affects their motivation, sense of accomplishment, and effectiveness in their personal and professional lives. While some of the common barriers to self- and community care (co-care) are addressed, highlighted are the positive impacts made when schools and districts prioritize staff wellness and resilience.
Course # 244-25-A023-303  
Subjects # [Trauma-Informed Care], [UPLIFT]
Begin Date: 03/12/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-303
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 03/13/2025
Authentic and Meaningful Data Collection and Analysis in Preschool   
In this three-part series, participants will explore various assessment tools and methods tailored to young learners, emphasizing the importance of observing children in naturalistic contexts. The session will highlight techniques for gathering meaningful data that reflect children's development and learning in real-time, ensuring that assessments are holistic, inclusive, and informative.
Course # 244-25-A023-177  
Subjects # [Early Childhood SpEd], [Early Childhood]
Begin Date: 03/13/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-177
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 03/17/2025
Behavioral Supports and Strategies in Preschool Settings   
“A child’s social and emotional development impacts all aspects of their life. It influences how they think, feel, act, and learn. Children need responsive, consistent, caring interactions in order to thrive.” Over three 90-minute professional learning sessions, participants will learn strategies to support strong social and emotional development aligned with CT ELDS, and learn strategies to provide a learning environment that is predictable and responsive to the needs of children.
Course # 244-25-A023-179  
Subjects # [Early Childhood SpEd], [Early Childhood]
Begin Date: 03/17/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-179
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 03/18/2025
Standards Alignment Coaching Session: Elementary   
This interactive session for elementary special education teachers offers a brief review of best practices for aligning annual academic goals to state content standards, followed by small group coaching and collaboration, where participants apply knowledge and strategies within the alignment process to IEP goals they have previously developed.
Course # 244-25-A023-262  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions]
Begin Date: 03/18/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-262
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: Eastern Connecticut Regional Educational Service Center (EASTCONN)
State: Connecticut
Time: 9:00AM - 11:00AM

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Date - 03/20/2025
CT-SEDS Targeted Session: Targeted Assessment   
These 90-minute, virtual sessions offer an opportunity for school based professionals to gain knowledge and increase competency within a specific topic. Information includes system updates, with live CT SEDS demonstrations (when applicable).
Course # 244-25-A023-295  
Subjects # [CT SEDS Targeted Assessment], [CT-SEDS Targeted Sessions], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 03/20/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-295
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Implementation of Charting the LifeCourse   
In this interactive, hands-on session, we will take a deeper dive into Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC). In order to participate in this session, you must have attended Person-Centered Planning: Introduction to Charting the LifeCourse (formerly titled: Person-Centered Planning: LifeCourse Planning Tools).
Course # 244-25-A023-135  
Subjects # [LifeCourse Implementation], [LifeCourse]
Begin Date: 03/20/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-135
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: Eastern Connecticut Regional Educational Service Center (EASTCONN)
State: Connecticut
Time: 9:00AM - 2:00PM

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Date - 03/26/2025
Standards Alignment Coaching Session: Secondary   
This interactive session for secondary special education teachers offers a brief review of best practices for aligning annual academic goals to state content standards, followed by small group coaching and collaboration, where participants apply knowledge and strategies within the alignment process to IEP goals they have previously developed.
Course # 244-25-A023-268  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions]
Begin Date: 03/26/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-268
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CES Special Education Middle School & High School
State: Connecticut
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM

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Date - 03/27/2025
CT-SEDS Onboarding   
These virtual online sessions are a CT-SEDS User Proficiency Training focused on the special education process. It is designed for special educators who are newly certified or those new to CT-SEDS.
Course # 244-25-A023-270  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS Onboarding], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 03/27/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-270
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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IEP Goal Development: Special Education Teachers   
This two-part, virtual series offers educators within a specific discipline an interactive training experience that supports the practical application of developing high-quality, measurable IEP goals and objectives.
Course # 244-25-A023-269  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [IEP Goal Development SPED], [IEP Goal Development]
Begin Date: 03/27/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-269
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 04/03/2025
Standards Alignment Coaching Session: PreK   
This interactive session for PreK educators offers a brief review of best practices for aligning annual academic goals to state content standards, followed by small group coaching and collaboration, where participants apply knowledge and strategies within the alignment process to IEP goals they have previously developed.
Course # 244-25-A023-271  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions: PreK], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions]
Begin Date: 04/03/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-271
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: LEARN
State: Connecticut
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM

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UPLIFT: Prioritizing Trustworthiness & Transparency   
Individuals who have experienced toxic stress and/or trauma often struggle to trust others, accept support, and/or take risks in learning. This may be true for our students, staff and/or families/caregivers. This module emphasizes how effective communication and a commitment to transparency and inclusion in decision-making are essential in establishing a school climate that supports all individuals in the system (e.g., students, staff and families). Discussion will focus on how to build a culture of trust, authenticity, and honesty. Particular emphasis will be on identifying communication and relationship-building strategies that facilitate productive problem-solving during courageous or difficult conversations. When we experience compassionate and dependable relationships, we re-establish trusting connections with others that foster healing and growth. This module will focus on actions and practices that school leaders and staff utilize to build schools and relationships that prioritize trust and transparency.
Course # 244-25-A023-304  
Subjects # [Trauma-Informed Care], [UPLIFT]
Begin Date: 04/03/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-304
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 04/07/2025
UPLIFT: Foundations of Trauma-Informed Care   
This foundational module is intended to build awareness and support staff at any level in recognizing trauma and responding to individuals who have been exposed to adverse experiences and/or trauma. It is expected that participants will develop competency around defining and discussing trauma and common trauma symptoms, as well as implications that trauma and toxic stress can have on behaviors presented at home, in school, or in the community. The module incorporates neurodevelopmental information to increase awareness of the potential repercussions of trauma and toxic stress on brain development, and resultant implications for learning, academic achievement or engagement, and social success. Participants will develop a deeper understanding of a trauma-informed care framework (e.g., the 4 Rs and 6 principles of trauma-informed organizations), and how these intersect with existing school initiatives (e.g., school climate, PBIS, SEL, DEI, restorative practices, etc.). This module is designed to offer all school-based personnel a basic understanding of trauma and trauma-informed care practices at all tiers, from universal practices to individualized supports. Training activities may include individual reflection, case scenarios, polls, group discussion and Q & A.
Course # 244-25-A023-300  
Subjects # [Trauma-Informed Care], [UPLIFT]
Begin Date: 04/07/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-300
Status: OPEN
Type: Online
Location: Online - Synchronous
State: Connecticut
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Date - 04/08/2025
Standards Alignment Coaching Session: Secondary   
This interactive session for secondary special education teachers offers a brief review of best practices for aligning annual academic goals to state content standards, followed by small group coaching and collaboration, where participants apply knowledge and strategies within the alignment process to IEP goals they have previously developed.
Course # 244-25-A023-272  
Subjects # [CT-SEDS], [Standards Alignment Coaching Sessions]
Begin Date: 04/08/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-272
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: Eastern Connecticut Regional Educational Service Center (EASTCONN)
State: Connecticut
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00PM

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Date - 07/22/2025
CT IEP Quality Training for School Leadership Teams: Elementary   
General educators play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and well-being of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This comprehensive 6-hour (one day, in-person) training is designed to equip school leadership teams to support collaboration between general and special educators to craft and implement high quality IEPs within the context of Connecticut's new IEP requirements. We encourage school and district teams to attend together to increase the application of the concepts and strategies presented to their specific context. Teams may include general and special education administrators, PPT chairs, teacher leaders, and others who serve an important role in ensuring the success of students with disabilities. Registration must be completed by each individual.
Course # 244-25-A023-274  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams: Elementary], [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 07/22/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-274
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CT Association of Schools
State: Connecticut
Time: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

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Date - 07/23/2025
CT IEP Quality Training for School Leadership Teams: Secondary   
General educators play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and well-being of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This comprehensive 6-hour (one day, in-person) training is designed to equip school leadership teams to support collaboration between general and special educators to craft and implement high quality IEPs within the context of Connecticut's new IEP requirements. We encourage school and district teams to attend together to increase the application of the concepts and strategies presented to their specific context. Teams may include general and special education administrators, PPT chairs, teacher leaders, and others who serve an important role in ensuring the success of students with disabilities. Registration must be completed by each individual.
Course # 244-25-A023-278  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams: Secondary], [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 07/23/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-278
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CT Association of Schools
State: Connecticut
Time: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

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Date - 07/30/2025
CT IEP Quality Training for School Leadership Teams: Elementary   
General educators play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and well-being of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This comprehensive 6-hour (one day, in-person) training is designed to equip school leadership teams to support collaboration between general and special educators to craft and implement high quality IEPs within the context of Connecticut's new IEP requirements. We encourage school and district teams to attend together to increase the application of the concepts and strategies presented to their specific context. Teams may include general and special education administrators, PPT chairs, teacher leaders, and others who serve an important role in ensuring the success of students with disabilities. Registration must be completed by each individual.
Course # 244-25-A023-276  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams: Elementary], [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 07/30/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-276
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CT Association of Schools
State: Connecticut
Time: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

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Date - 07/31/2025
CT IEP Quality Training for School Leadership Teams: Secondary   
General educators play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and well-being of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This comprehensive 6-hour (one day, in-person) training is designed to equip school leadership teams to support collaboration between general and special educators to craft and implement high quality IEPs within the context of Connecticut's new IEP requirements. We encourage school and district teams to attend together to increase the application of the concepts and strategies presented to their specific context. Teams may include general and special education administrators, PPT chairs, teacher leaders, and others who serve an important role in ensuring the success of students with disabilities. Registration must be completed by each individual.
Course # 244-25-A023-279  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams: Secondary], [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 07/31/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-279
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CT Association of Schools
State: Connecticut
Time: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

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Date - 08/05/2025
CT IEP Quality Training for School Leadership Teams: Elementary   
General educators play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and well-being of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This comprehensive 6-hour (one day, in-person) training is designed to equip school leadership teams to support collaboration between general and special educators to craft and implement high quality IEPs within the context of Connecticut's new IEP requirements. We encourage school and district teams to attend together to increase the application of the concepts and strategies presented to their specific context. Teams may include general and special education administrators, PPT chairs, teacher leaders, and others who serve an important role in ensuring the success of students with disabilities. Registration must be completed by each individual.
Course # 244-25-A023-275  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams: Elementary], [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 08/05/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-275
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CT Association of Schools
State: Connecticut
Time: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

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Date - 08/06/2025
CT IEP Quality Training for School Leadership Teams: Secondary   
General educators play a pivotal role in ensuring the success and well-being of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). This comprehensive 6-hour (one day, in-person) training is designed to equip school leadership teams to support collaboration between general and special educators to craft and implement high quality IEPs within the context of Connecticut's new IEP requirements. We encourage school and district teams to attend together to increase the application of the concepts and strategies presented to their specific context. Teams may include general and special education administrators, PPT chairs, teacher leaders, and others who serve an important role in ensuring the success of students with disabilities. Registration must be completed by each individual.
Course # 244-25-A023-280  
Subjects # [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams: Secondary], [CT IEP Training School Leadership Teams], [CT-SEDS]
Begin Date: 08/06/2025
Course # 244-25-A023-280
Status: OPEN
Type: Face to Face
Location: CT Association of Schools
State: Connecticut
Time: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

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